A downloadable game for Windows

NES Game Jam 2024 -

In a distant land, beyond the realms of ordinary mortals, lies the mystical world of Elementa. This world is held in balance by four ancient elemental gems, each embodying the raw power of fire, water, earth, and air. These gems are kept at the Sacred Altar, a place of immense power and peace.

One fateful night, an evil sorcerer named Vorthar sought to harness the power of the elements for his dark ambitions. Under the cover of darkness, he stole the gems and scattered them across the lands of Elementa, causing chaos and imbalance. Without the gems, the elements went wild. Forests burned uncontrollably, oceans raged with monstrous waves, earthquakes shattered the lands, and tornadoes swept through villages.

The wise Sage of Elementa called upon a hero—you—a brave adventurer with the courage to face the untamed elements and restore balance to the world. Your quest is to find and retrieve the four elemental gems and return them to the Sacred Altar. Only then can peace be restored to Elementa.

With determination in your heart, you embark on this epic journey, knowing that the fate of the world rests in your hands.


A = left, 

D = right

SPACE = jump 

ENTER = shoot


arrowz-nes-game-jam-2024-win.zip 69 MB
Version 0.1.1 5 days ago

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